EU-Russian relations: lecture 11. EU Energy Policy

Романова Татьяна Алексеевна
  • 1. Describe the structure of the EU’s energy production and consumption
  • 2. What are key ideas that determine EU energy policy?
  • 3. What is the interrelation of private and public sectors in the EU energy sector?
  • 4. What is the division of competences between EU member states and the EU in the energy sector?

  • 1. ANDOURA, S. Energy Solidarity in Europe: from Independence to Interdependence. Paris: Notre Europe, 2013. Studies and Report. No 99.
  • 2. BRAUN, J.F. EU Energy Policy under the Treaty of Lisbon Rules. Between a new policy and business as usual. Brussels: EPIN Working Paper, February 2011. No. 31
  • 3. DREYER, I., STANG, G. Energy moves and power shifts. EU foreign policy and global energy security. Paris: ISS, February 2014. Issue Report No 18.
  • 4. EIKELAND, P.O. The Third Internal Energy Market Package: New Power Relations among Member States, EU Institutions and Non-state Actors? // Journal of Common Market Studies. 2011. Vol. 49. No. 2.
  • 5. European Commission. A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy. Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank. COM(2015) 80 final. Brussels, 25.2.2015.
  • 6. GOLDTHAU, A., SITTER, N. A liberal actor in a realist world? The Commission and the external dimension of the single market for energy // Journal of European Public Policy. 2014. Vol. 21. No 10. Pp. 1452-1472.
  • 7. HELM, D. The European framework for energy and climate policies // Energy Policy. 2014. Vol. 64. Pp.29-35.
  • 8. MALTBY, T. European Union energy policy integration: A case of European Commission policy entrepreneurship and increasing supranationalism // Energy Policy. 2013. Vol. 55. Pp. 435-444.
  • 9. SCHMIDT-FELZMANN, A. EU Member States' Energy Relations with Russia: Conflicting Approaches to Securing Natural Gas Supplies // Geopolitics. 2011. Vol. 16. No. 3.