European Union, Russia and Post-Soviet Space: 5. Economic transitions and market reforms within the Post-Soviet space.

Izotov Alexander Viktorovich
  • What are the principle factors that have determined the modes and directions of the post-communist economic transitions within the Post-Soviet space and its countries?
  • What are the balances between the state and private sectors in the economies of the post-soviet countries and what implication do the state and private economic sectors produce for the social-economic developments in these countries?
  • What factors have facilitated and impeded the process of the accession of the post-soviet countries in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other institutions and regimes of the world global economy?

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  • Malyshava, L The “Forgotten Lands”: An Institutional Analysis of Post-Soviet Transitions. Journal of Economic Issues Vol. 52, Issue 2, 3 April 2018, P. 509-516